You’ve asked & we’ve listened! While construction of the gallery space is still underway, we’ve had several requests to kick-off our monthly wine club. Without further delay, we are so excited to announce our 1st Member Mixer & Pick-Up Party. W/H Curation Members are invited to join us on Thursday, November 16th from 5p-7p as we sip & sample some of our favorite seasonal selections. Big thanks to Marcy Roy for offering to host us!!!

Not yet a member, check out the details below & sign-up today!!

We look forward to seeing you soon!


W/H Curations Monthly Wine Club

Each month, your membership will give you access to:

The Goods

Each month, you will receive (3) carefully curated bottles of wine. Enjoy a seasonal selection of wine from our favorite producers.

The Gather

Exclusive access to monthly member mixers. Seasonal wine tastings with special guest vintners, winemakers, & growers to learn about the region and origins of each selection.

The Cost
